You're always an individual customer to us. Not a generic substitute for one.

C_STOMER - without 'U' it is not complete
The corporate philosophy of the group:
*Quality *Customer Service *Reliability

Retail Customers trust Vasu Group because of their product stocking, systematic execution of orders and timely response to their issues.

The company extends its distribution services to retailers across two states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. It has gone ahead in tying up with corporate hospitals and Government Medical institutions. Vasu Group has tied up with Keimed company to strengthen distribution in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Today, Vasu Group is proud to proclaim that it has tens of thousands of happy customers. The customers are Happy because they are thoroughly satisfied and thereby they stand in a cordial relationship.

With the Tech savvy approach that Vasu Group had adopted, it raised the bar of excellence higher.